Meaning 180 degree rule
What does 180 degree rule mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word 180 degree rule. You can also add a definition of 180 degree rule yourself


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180 degree rule

a screen direction rule that camera operators must follow - an imaginary line on one side of the axis of action is made (e.g., between two principal actors in a scene), and the camera must not cross o [..]


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180 degree rule

 An imaginary line between two characters who are speaking, crossing this line when filming a conversation means that the actors won’t be looking in the right direction.
Source: (offline)


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180 degree rule

States that if two people are filmed in a sequence then there is an invisible line between them. The camera should then only be positioned within the 180 degrees on one side of that line. “Crossing th [..]


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180 degree rule

One of the key features of the continuity system to which most mainstream film and television has tended to adhere. A screen direction rule in which an imaginary line is drawn between two actors in a [..]

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